Woodspring Lodge 8791

Freemasonery at its best

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2024-25 Simon Riley

The 2024/25 Team

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Lodge Meetings

Held on the Friday after the 2nd Wednesday from October to May. We tile at 18:30, Installations at 17:30. The dates of our meetings for the 2023-24  season are :

  • October 11th 2024 : Installation of Bro Simon Riley.
  • REVIEW below
  • November 15th 2024 : 2nd Degree ceremony (Rehearsal  Mon 6th)
  • December 13th 2024 : 2nd  Degree Ceremony (Rehearsal  Mon 4th)
  • January 10th 2024 : No Ceremony – BURNS NIGHT, ladies to Dine.
  • February 14th 2024 : 3rd Degree Ceremony Past Masters (Rehearsal  Mon 5th)
  • March 14th 2025 :  No Ceremony – Provincial Visit – Membership pathway (Rehearsal  Monday 4th )
  • April 11th 2025 :  3rd Degree ceremony (Rehearsal  -TBC — )
  • May 10th 2025 : 1st  Degree ceremony (Rehearsal  Weds 3rd )
  • October 10th 2025 : Installation (17:30)  of Bro Simon Riley (Rehearsal  Mon 2nd)


  • January 10th 2025  Burns Festive Board (with the ladies and guests to Dine)

